Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The things we're doing.....

I felt that I had nothing to blog yesterday or today.  It felt a lot like this:

"What have you been up to lately?" asks friend/family member/random acquaintance bumped into

"ummmm..... not a lot really" answered, while thinking "But I have been busy just living!  I've been doing so much, but feel like I have nothing to report - how is that possible?!"

So, I thought I would share a little list of the 'not a lot really' things that we've been up to.

  • Stu and I re-taught ourselves how to play Gin Rummy and played late Saturday night while drinking Baileys.
  • I danced at an 80th birthday party, where the guest of honour was thrilled to have us there and danced with us for 10 minutes.  It was the best gig ever!
  • I started to hack into the pittosporum hedge that runs the side of our block.   We're going to gradually replace it with citrus and avocado trees which will also give privacy but with the added bonus of food.
  • I hosted the AGM for our belly dance group at our house.  It was a pretty straightforward meeting, but the afternoon tea and company was exceptionally good.
  • I found some kids yoga sessions on You tube and can't wait to share them with the boys.
  • I've had each of the boys home sick from school for a day.  Neither of them were terribly sick, but a day on their own/with me seems to have been good for them.
  • I received my Digger's club order.  I was so excited!  I have now planted my tammarillo tree and my kiwiberry and am looking forward to starting to plant my huge pile of seeds.
  • I've discovered (a bit late) River Cottage and am enjoying watching the first season on DVD with the whole family.
  • I enjoyed having my teenage brother stay with us for last week while he did work experience.
  • I have been talking to my sister-in-law regularly for baby updates.  I am getting very excited about its upcoming arrival.
  • My chooks are slowly starting to lay again as the days are getting slowly longer - an egg a day this past week.
  • I started washing my face with honey as I had run out of cleanser and needed an alternative.  I love it!
  • Stu has been planning and thinking a lot about his brew shed and we've been plotting to use homemade alternatives for expensive items he'll need.

See.... not much, but a lot at the same time.  Thanks for listening :)

1 comment:

  1. A great kids yoga sesh on DVD is 'Yoga for Children - fun and simple to do'done by the ABC. It goes for a whole yoga session though so littlies join and leave at will, I have found.

    YAY Diggers! LOL...if you didn't live over the border I'd share my excess seeds with you - I've been trying to convince Suzanne to take them as I know no one in SA who gardens and it seems such a waste!
    Our chooks are laying again - I found three eggs in the box this morning....probably frozen solid as we had a frost last night and it has managed to just touch the 2 on the thermometer out there!
    Tell me more about the honey....please?


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