Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Pre-baby home day spa

My sister in law is going to have a baby really soon. I simply can not wait to meet and cuddle my new niece or nephew, but in the meantime I needed to spend a special day with the mum-to-be.  When I was pregnant she and my mum took me to the city for the weekend where we  ate, shopped and did some girly sightseeing. But Amy is not only somewhat further along in her pregnancy than I was, but we are both older and more interested in relaxing and being pampered than checking out the city.  We discussed day spas and cafes, but neither of us felt like spending a tonne of money and driving around for the day, so we had a home day spa experience. (sadly, mum was busy working, so it was just the two of us).

I planned the day and did all the preparation so Amy didn't have to do anything. We both wore our comfy home clothes and spent the day in her lounge room.

The day started with a cup of tea and I presented her with a tray of homemade chocolate cupcakes with mousse icing (plus a couple of baby sock cupcakes for the baby bump). We ate and drank and relaxed, talking about anything, nothing and everything.

Before lunch, we gave ourselves purifying clay masks and milk foot spas while watching an episode of 'Up All Night' (which was hilarious).  Our faces and feet felt fabulous.
Image from here
Lunch was simple but delicious, some of my homemade fettucini with pesto and herb bread (followed by more tea and cupcakes).  I gave Amy her homemade hospital survival kit (a book, headband, muesli bars, mints, lip balm and chocolate), and she showed me the work they've done on the nursery. We talked and talked about parenting, birth, our family and home life. Finally we took a walk around the block and picked some wild jonquils.

The whole day (including the gifts) cost under $50, a massive saving on the cafe and day spa alternative. Was it as good? It was better! I came home feeling relaxed and pampered and closer to my SIL than ever. I think we're going to have to make this a regular occurance after the baby arrives.


  1. This sounds wonderful. Will have to add some home beauty treatments to my list of things to do.

  2. Oh you are my dream sister in law! I really lucked out in that area :( Dang - you wonderful person you. I am so glad to hear it relaxed you both and brought you closer together.
    TFG and I have a home spa every now and then (even with the relaxing music) but with her in school now we've not done for ages - it might be time to do it again I think :) Thanks for the inspiration :)

  3. Lovely idea!

    What a nice way to spend time with your sister.


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