Welcome Down to Earth-ers!
Hello! Welcome to everyone popping over from Rhonda's blog! I love Rhonda's "Weekend reading" posts, so feel very honoured to be a part of one. I've filled up the tea-pot, so help yourself to a cup and have a look around. Then come back often - I love visitors! :)
I have two big bad addictions - chocolate and shopping. The first is fairly self explanatory, and we won't go into that, but shopping is a problem for someone who chooses to live on a tight budget and in a small home. Not that I've ever been an extravagant shopper, but I am a sucker for the clearance racks and catalogues full of "bargains". I'm reminded of this a lot this month as it is Toy Sale month. Usually, in June, I've been around collecting all of the big shop toy catalogues and am busily browsing them with the kids and then buying "bargains" for birthdays and Christmas (that more often than not are not really wanted in 6 months....). But not this year..... I have changed my ways!
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image from http://theramblingsofamummy.blogspot.com.au/ |
Back in January, I made myself not buy anything for a month (other than groceries). I didn't go to the shopping centres or down the street for a browse and I didn't go into opshops (thrift/charity stores) either. I did really well and at the end of the month had a short list of 3 items that we needed to buy. I think of all the things I probably would have bought and that I then saved on by not going, and I'm very pleased!
I'm allowed to shop again now, but I've gone right off the regular stores, and instead spend my shopping time (and dollars) in the local opshops. Mum used to take us opshopping as kids, my best friend and I opshopped as teens, and as a mum of babies, I loved the opshop for toys and baby clothes. Now I browse the opshop for craft items, household items, books and puzzles for the kids and clothes to wear or for repurposing/upcycling. I still try to stick to the "needs" and less of the "wants", but at least with opshops, I don't feel so bad.
Opshops are great for so many reasons....
- By spending there you are usually helping a charity.
- You spend a very small amount of money to get your
shopping fixitems for your home - You are recycling items that were no longer any use to someone else
- You never know what you'll find and the items are changing all the time
- You often find fabulous vintage/retro/antique items for a fraction of the price they are sold elsewhere.
- And if you buy to much (!) you can always donate the excess back and feel good for just making a financial donation :P
I wanted to share a few of my recently thrifted items with you now.
a sweet (and shiny - sorry) little teapot ($1) |
no - not the dogs! The sheets I used to crochet this rag rug for the kitchen (I used two at $2ea) (but how cute are the dogs - Buddy and Hurley, they felt the need for some blog stardom) |
A beautiful and practical cast iron meat grinder ($8) |
There have been many more items lately, some not from opshops, but from vintage shops, garage sales and markets too. I love buying second hand......
Do you opshop? I'd love to see some of your favourite opshop purchases. If you write a blog, perhaps you could write your own post on them (and link back here, I don't know how to do a proper bloggy party yet, but that'll work!)
I do op shop - although being so far from them does rather help to curb my need to look about....I love any second hand store for the exact same reasons....and I love that the kids can get books galore for the price of one new book. We get lots of things for their play kitchen in the op shop, dress ups and yes, I scavenge things for material too. I love old furniture - it is made of real wood not the composite stuff they use now - so I have a fair bit of old stuff about....my poor kitchen cupboard was $60 at a Lion's shed sale and it's tummy sags but it puts up with the kids slamming drawers and and doors in a way the kitchen cupboards have not. There is a photo of it on my blog in a post about cleaning....but I've just popped on during morning tea to read your blog so I'll perhaps be able to grab some more time to post/link tonight :)
ReplyDeleteJust popped over from D2E to have a peek at your little strand in the web! Lovely to be here! I must be a wanna be belly dancer because just seeing your post about your wonderful dance makes me want to get up and wriggle!
ReplyDeleteOh and I am in complete understanding about your op shop addiction - I think I could nearly open up my own with all the stuff I collect......but will use....one day!!!