Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Hanging with a sick one

I've started writing some great happy posts, but they need photos, and my house isn't fit for photos.

I'm flat chat trying to keep on top of being a mum, being a wife, being a friend, being a sister, being a tutor, being a belly dancer and being a cooking from scratch homemaker with a garden and animals to care for. And then, thrown into the mix, we got a sick kid.

Apparently he has a virus, and he really hasn't been well. The virus however disguised itself as sore muscles following the sports day. He hobbled around all weekend, whinging, crying and keeping us up at night. I wasn't exactly the most sympathetic mum. I was crabby and tired of hearing about his sore legs (I don't complain that much after a week of hard work!). But last night he spiked a temp and a doctors visit today said he has a nasty virus. So, now I'm still juggling all of the above with a sick kid and a good dose of mummy guilt.

Will be back with my cheery posts later in the week, when I don't feel quite so bad for my sick kid.


  1. Oh dear! You've just hit the wall for a bit. It's hard to prioritise sometimes and sometimes we can't let anything slide coz they just have to be done. Go easy and I look forward to a cheery post soon. Hope your boy feels better tomorrow.

    1. That's exactly it - I just wanted to curl up and make it all stop for a bit, but I can't! Sure I could've bought bread and quick foods (but they make me feel wrong), but the animals, kids and garden just won't be put off. Alls good again now though. Thank you!

  2. hugs...it will get better. Go easy on yourself.

    cheers Kate

    1. Thanks Kate. It helps to know you're all out there having the same "tough" days :)

  3. Big love to you all - and don't feel guilty...mum's are human and get tired too. Go treat him to a muscle relaxing bath bomb and then you have one after him - we've got rain on the way over to re-fill tanks :)

    1. Thank you....
      You know, a friend gave us some Radox bath salts to try to help. Sadly, the little one ended up covered in eczma - a reaction to all the Sodium Laurel Sulphates (which he no longer is exposed to) in them.... sometimes you just can't win!
      But its all good now, and I'm really hoping all that rain doesn't miss us this time :)


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