Thursday, 14 February 2013

Loving the sunshine

Happy valentines day folks. Do you celebrate valentines day in your home? So close to our  wedding anniversary, we have never bothered, but we always say it, and this morning I decorated Stu's morning cuppa with a heart and served my little loved ones heart shaped toast.

This year though, I'm getting an elaborate gift for valentines day - 20 solar panels on my roof!

They're making me power right now, so the cuppa I'm having this arvo and tonight's dinner are being cooked using our very own homemade power! How cool is that? We won't be getting any feed in tariffs for a little bit though until the power company comes and reconfigures our meter box.  But this valentines day I'm loving the sunshine even more as this amazing technology makes us clean energy to power our home.

These 20 panels face west, so will produce slightly less power than if we'd had a north facing roof, but  they will still make more than enough power for us through the summer months and will come close to meeting our needs in the rest of the year. We will still be grid connected and so will always have access to plenty of power, but we've also secured a great feed-in tariff, that will be locked in for 3 years, with  an energy provider who only buys power from renewable sources. So every kWh of power that we use will be green power. Gotta love that!

And one more thing I love - sharing all of this with you! This is my 100th blog post, and that makes me very happy. Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing. Have a great day.


  1. Our new system of 18 panels is making us so absurdly rich in electricity, that I'm trying to think of things I can turn on! With 20 panels, even pointing west, you will have enough power to think about an electic bike, or car as they become more available. That's the fantasy that had us going for a big system like this.

    1. Linda I wish we were as power frugal as you are, but even using more power, I think we'll be doing very nicely with our panels. I am inspired to get an electric car - a small one that would be ideal for hubby's daily commute to and from work (a 1/2 hour country drive each way) would be great. But I think the prices on them are still too high, so we'll watch them for a few more years :)

  2. Congrats on your panels!! I'm very envious. I've been nagging my Hubby for years to get panels but he keeps insisting its not worth the money. I'm pretty sure he's wrong though. Keeps us updated as to how wonderful they are?? Thanks Karen

    1. I will Karen. Just a quick update now though. They were switched on at about 11am yesterday. We had some cloud yesterday arvo, so they weren't working at full capacity, but by bedtime last night, they had fed 20kwH into the grid - that's after our own use for the afternoon. We have been averaging using about 7kwH of power per day through summer, so in one (not perfect solar power producing) afternoon, we basically produced enough power to power us for 3 days! Obviously this won't be so high in the months with shorter days, but hopefully over the course of year will even out nicely.


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