Wednesday, 14 November 2012

I'm still here....

Just stopping for a moment to say......

I haven't written here for so long, I nearly forgot how.  But in case you were wondering, I'm still here and I'm fine :)

We've just been so busy with holidays, building projects, garden things, pet things, kids birthdays (yep, my two babies turned 8 yesterday) and all the parties and so on that go with them.  I'm also busy with dancing - regular classes, parties and performances.  And on top of that, Christmas is now less than 6 weeks away, and I'm determined to make all the pressies that go to people outside our home, and 90% of the ones that will stay in it.  So I'm busy, but I'm loving it.

I promise I'll be back soon with tales of holidays and pizza ovens and more.

Take care!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you checked in - I was missing you:) Good to know it is all nice reasons to be not on the computer. Looking forward to hearing your news. TC


Thank you for leaving me a message! I love hearing from you.