Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Welcome to the world!

Just stopping by blog world to report that I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life yesterday (and through last night).

Yesterday morning, my brother called - a 'we need you' call.  I went to him and his wife, who is like a sister to me, pausing only to turn off the breadmaker.

My sister in law was in labour and had been for 2 days.  They were exhausted and in hospital.  They had a birth plan.  Me being there wasn't in it.  But plans should be flexible I guess, and it turned out they both needed an extra helping hand, and I was honoured they thought to call me.

I have loved my SIL since I first met her, but now I respect her and love her more than I thought was possible.  She was amazing.  Simply amazing.

We made a pretty good team, the three of us, and with a little much needed medical assistance and after over 70 hours of labour (yep, 70!), we welcomed the latest precious member of our family - little Clover Mae.

Being part of any birth is a spectacularly life changing event.  I was there at age 17 when my younger brother was born, it was also truly special.  And obviously, welcoming my own babies into the world was the most special day of my life.  I didn't expect to ever get the opportunity again and am just blown away that I did.

As an added bonus, watching SIL labour, healed some of the emotional scars I have carried from my birthing experience.  Sometimes as I watched her, I could see me in her place and I felt proud of myself and finally at peace with some of the things that happened during the boys' birth that I had felt were not ok.  They are now.  I did good.

Speaking of my boys, they, and Stu, were part of the support team too.  By being so brilliant about me needing to be somewhere else, they made it possible for me to focus my attentions in that birthing room. Stu even saved the bread dough and turned it unto edible loaves!

And now I have a niece.  A beautiful little girl who will always hold a little chunk of my heart in her pretty little hands.  Welcome to the world baby girl.


  1. what an awesome phone call, feel for your SIL and long labours, not fun, pleased it has all worked out OK.

  2. Congratulations to your family! How fantastic and your joy just shines through in every word. Many blessings to Clover.

  3. What a beautiful story ...what a gorgeous blog you have created...just lovely ...What a beautiful Aunty you will be to Clover Mae !
    Sherrie from Simpleliving :)

  4. Thanks ladies. It was truly one of the most remarkable experiences of my life. Went and visited the lovely bub yesterday and my kids and hubby got to have a cuddle - they're all as in love with her as I am. I'm not at all clucky for my own baby, but so pleased there is one close to me that I can love and watch grow :)


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