Monday, 12 May 2014

Whirring in the wee hours

I've been waking in the early hours of the morning a lot this year. 3am has become a time that I've started seeing about as regularly as I did in my late teens. Back then it was as the last hours of a big night out. Now it is me waking up ridiculously early, my brain begins whirring around and sleep doesn't look like ever coming back. 

This morning, I've been laying in bed for over an hour, whirring. Thoughts of things that I need to do become worries when the hour is less than 6am. Tasks that I was 'getting to' in no particular hurry, suddenly seen urgent.  I begin to stress a little - why haven't I done that yet?  Why can't I get up and do it now!?! In the morning, I can always see the answers clearly - I haven't done it yet because it really wasn't the right time or I'd simply forgotten; and I can't get up and do jobs in the dark, quiet and freezing old hours of the morning, it just isn't feasible. 

Eventually, after worrying over my mental list for ages, I'll get up and write it down. Whirring thoughts are much better when dealt with in the morning. Sometimes just writing my thoughts down is enough to allow me to go back to sleep, other times, I need to read, or listen to an audiobook to switch off my mind. Mostly, I manage to go back to sleep by 6.30, only to be woken by the daytime noises and chores a mere half hour later. The day stretches before me, fit for filling with my nighttime list of urgent chores, only I'm too tired to do them all. 

This morning I'm wondering how many others are awake, wishing they could sleep, laying there, brain whirring. I wonder if other people are thinking that they need to get on with converting their veg beds to wicking beds, planting out cauliflower seedlings, taking their goat for a servicing visit, sewing gifts for birthdays, finishing the building of the hearth for the fire, finalising the plans for an event that they're organising that is creeping up at a crazy fast speed now and/or ringing the doctors to get test results. And is anyone else wondering whether they will try to fit homeschooling book work in around all that, or use that as the learning for the week?

Perhaps I have too many things going on in my life right now. Perhaps my brain doesn't have time to deal with it all during the hubbub of daily life, so it takes the opportunity when all is quiet and I can't run around 'doing stuff' to think it all over. Well, to that I say, good plan brain, except you failed to remember that my body needs enough sleep to be able to do all the jobs on the list!



  1. I can relate to that. My brain has been doing that a lot too...its exhausting. People say to put it aside to deal with in the morning but I'm yet to figure out the "how"!
    Big sigh...

  2. Tracey I can relate to what you are saying. What you have described is what happens to me when I have too much going on in my life and I am stressed. I find the best way to deal with it is to take my long list of jobs and tackle a few of the quick easy ones straight away. Normally I would do the most important ones first but I know once my mind is in this state I can become paralysed and not achieve anything. So I try and get some of the quick and easy jobs done first as I find that by getting a few things done it makes the list smaller and feel more manageable and once I am getting things done it is easy to just keep going.

  3. I agree with Fiona, tackle a few jobs, write 3 lists,quick and easy, not so bad and Big deal, tackle at least one every few days .The lists will stop your brain from "spinning it's wheels" and hopefullt give you calmer sleep.
    I would also try wearing socks, as when your feet hit the cold spots in the bed in the early hours, it can be enough to wake you up. Maybe put some Lavendar sprigs near the bed or put 1 or 2 oil drops on a handkerchief near your pillow.....good luck


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