I'm taking the day off today. I got out of my pyjamas at 1pm after a little snooze and have done little more than keep the ship running all day. Why? Because I am coming down from a HUGE weekend.
A few years ago, my friend Sharon and I decided that a belly dance camp would be a lot of fun, and hosted our first in 2011. It was a huge success and we have just had our second, even bigger, better and more successful camp and it was quite simply, awesome.
I've been planning and preparing for camp for the last 9 months. We changed things around a little and split up jobs, so I haven't been on my own. But as the one in charge of marketing, admin tasks, teaching and overall planning, I've been busy, and in the last two weeks, more than a little stressed. But as the weekend rolled in and everything fell into place, I was so proud of my little team and all of my work. It was a weekend that I would have loved to attend as an outsider, but even as someone who was working hard all through the camp, it was a huge amount of fun.
So what happened at Belly Dance Camp 2013? Let me take you there.
Camp was held at Southcombe Lodge in Port Fairy. This venue is designed for camps and has space to eat, play, cook, sleep and dance. Friday night saw 25 women arrive at camp, set up their beds in the bunk rooms, order takeaway for dinner and get to know each other over a few bottles of wine in front of the fire. We had a local henna artist join us and many of the girls had her do some amazing art for them. There was some setting up done for the rest of the weekend, but most of the night was relaxed and fun.
Saturday morning, after a continental breaky, the campers from Friday night either attended a special rehearsal or relaxed: strolling the market that was (conveniently) being held in Port Fairy, chatting over cuppas or greeting the remaining 25 women who arrived and settled in on Saturday.
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Belly Dance workshops |
At 12.30, camp officially began. I welcomed our 50 campers (the camp was completely sold out with a waiting list), and sent them on their way to attend the first of two two-hour workshops that were held in the afternoon. The workshops, taught by myself and three talented and wonderful guest teachers, covered a range of belly dance styles: I taught a workshop that was American Tribal Style while
Ma'isah (from Melbourne) taught one on Baladi Ashra (a traditional Egyptian style) and later
Lisa (from Geelong) taught a Tribal Fusion workshop while
Adalia (from Mt Gambier/Adelaide) taught a Classical Orientale workshop. Each camper attended a workshop in each session and came away with a head full of new moves and ideas and a well used body!
The workshops finished at 5.30pm, leaving us with a crazy hour and a half to do our makeup and hair, get in costume, have market stalls set up and the hall and meal prepared for our Hafla (belly dance party). A fly on the wall would have collapsed from exhaustion watching the mad array of colourful dancers flitting about preparing!
Happy Campers on Hafla night |
Our Hafla was different to any other belly dance concert I've attended. I went out on a limb in how we ran it, and was a little nervous as it began (when I'd explained to some how the night would run I'd been met with some interesting looks....). Our hall was set up with tables and chairs all around the edge - each camper (and my family who were there to help) had a front row seat at a table, with the dancing to take place in the middle (I personally hate having to peer around people in front of me at concerts, or having to sit twisted around in my seat to see a performance behind me). We had no running order for the night, but instead, I had all of the introductions for our performers in a basket and they were drawn out at random (with a little tweaking by me as the night went on). Each dancer would perform, then introduce the next act. So while I was running the show, I wasn't the one doing all the work introducing acts. The audience was made up only of the campers and a few helpers - no public - and nearly everyone there performed at least once.
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Performers part 1 |
And it seems my kooky plan paid off. The night was a huge success, full of fabulous performances, lots of giggles and the most supportive audience I've ever experienced at a dance (of any sort) event, and I spent much of the rest of the weekend receiving praise on the format. Yay!
We had performances by dancers who had never performed before, right through to our teachers and experienced, professional performers. The costumes, music and dance styles were so varied that it became a gorgeous, colourful night that we'll remember for a really long time.
Performers part 2. |
Along with dance performances, we ate a delicious meal (all homecooked by our group and coordinated by Sharon), shopped at the great belly dance market stalls, enjoyed some free dance time together and hosted a zahgareet and shimmy contest. My boys were the judges for the shimmy contest and won the hearts of every camper by choosing to award the prize to the dancer who had the best smile and looked like she was having the most fun while she shimmied - lady killers!
The hafla was over by 10.30, but It was after 2am before the last campers head hit the pillow as many of us stayed up to enjoy the fabulous company and atmosphere created by a group of likeminded women.
Beautiful belly dance goodies to buy. |
Sunday dawned and there were many sleepy, tousled heads making tea and coffee in the kitchen before settling down in the hall to share breakfast. I think Sunday morning is my favourite part of camp. I love seeing the groups of people that came to camp, dissolve into one big group as the campers choose to sit among the new friends they've made. I love the cosy, relaxed atmosphere of women sharing the morning cuppa and caring for each other as they begin the last day of camp.
At 10.30, we gathered the troupes for a final workshop. This one was my favourite. An all-in workshop attended by all campers and taught by all of the teachers. Sadly, Adalia wasn't well enough to teach, but Ma'isah, Lisa and myself all taught fast and fun workshops that had us all sharing in the joy of our dance. The workshop concluded with my lovely friend, student and yoga teacher, Neika, calming and stretching our tired bodies with a short yoga session.
Thank yous, lunch and hometime followed.
I can't thank the people who helped out at camp enough. I'm so proud of what we achieved! And now we're left to decide if we leave it another two years before the next one, or do it all again next year.
Here's some of the comments that I've been sent on Facebook from campers so far (aw, thanks girls!):
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- "I love, love, loved Belly Dance camp....... what an awesome way to spend my birthday weekend. Wonderful teachers, performers and dancers........ Catching up with old friends, making new ones. The only thing I would change for next time - is that I definately need to bring my daughters along So book us in for next time so we don't miss out!!!! Thankyou sooooo much Tracey and everyone for a great weekend xxxxxxxx" Kasia
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