Wednesday, 12 September 2012

This week

In typical Spring fashion, the weather has been all over the place this week, and I'm flat out busy with a hundred projects on the go!

Saturday was a horrible day!  We were stuck inside baking and trying to keep the kids entertained.

Sunday was a beautiful day!  We were outside all day, working hard in the garden.  We built a new compost heap.  Cleared a massive pile of prunings (OK, moved them to a more hidden spot till we work out what to do with them!).  Made some progress on the paving/courtyard garden.  Tended the vegies that are growing well.  Mowed the lawns.  Started work on the frame that will (hopefully) support our Luffa vines.  And ate every meal in the garden.  Bliss!

Monday was an OK day weather wise - perfect as it was shopping day.  I did the groceries and all the in town running around and finally caught up with one of my best friends for a cuppa and a long chat.

Yesterday was blissfully sunny and warm.  Unfortunately, I had to run back to town to get some more things (swimming togs to replace the ones that just wore out on the first day of 2 weeks of swimming lessons for the kids!).  But the trip was made worthwhile by finding time to grab a few bargains at the opshop and then having lunch with my sister-in-law and her mum (this involved coo-ing at my beautiful niece too..... awwwww). 

Then yesterday arvo was all in the garden!  More seeds went in, some seedlings were transplanted and the new beds got a couple of bags of sheep manure and were covered with black plastic to kill the weeds that had grown from the horse manure.

And today is another ordinary weather day.  But that's OK, I don't need sunshine tempting me to be outside, I have a Hafla to prepare for on Friday!  What's a hafla I hear you asking?  Its a belly dance party.  My students will be dressing up and performing some of what they've learnt this year and we'll be sharing a meal with family and friends of the group.  We get about 60 people attend our hafla, which will this year be held in a gorgeous country hall and catered partly by us and partly by a local restaurant who will provide delicious pizzas and cupcakes - no, that is not traditional Middle Eastern food, but it will be very much appreciated! :)

In addition to hafla planning, I have a workshop to teach tomorrow and regular classes to run, and then a family event on Saturday.  Its busy busy busy!  So if the sunshine wants to stay away for a few days so I can work, that's OK with me..... so long as it comes back on Sunday, because with a bit of luck, we'll be starting on the pizza oven project then.

So if I don't get back here for a while, you know why.  Though I am going to try and get back with some hafla photos and if that pizza oven project gets going, you'll hear about that too.


  1. Hello! Visiting from Down to Earth blog... have fun at your Hafla party! We went to a Turkish restaurant in Brighton years ago - a great performance of belly dancing while we ate! I don't have the confidence yet to pursue anything so fun! hehe... lovely to meet you! Hope you could add your garden news to my Tuesday Garden Journals too - it's a weekly link in! xx Rach aka Squiggly Rainbow xx

  2. Hi Rach! Thanks for visiting! I popped over to your blog briefly yesterday and will get back for a good look in the next few days. And thankyou for the invite, I will try to link up on Tuesdays with my garden updates - love a good linkup :)


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